About Me

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog. My name is Quynhthy and I am a college student studying to become an elementary school teacher. Although I'm looking forward to a rewarding career of
teaching and making a difference in the lives of my students, I also really look forward to sharing certain aspects of my life with you guys through this blog. I hope you all have a chance to get to know me and the things that I enjoy as you read. I strive to be as authentic and true to myself as possible throughout life as well as this blogging journey. I hope you enjoy the content I post and continue reading about all my adventures and challenges! My blog is fairly simple to navigate and you can find all the posts neatly organized into different categories located at the main bar up top. To keep up with all of my latest posts, subscribe to my blog and follow me on Instagram @quynhthy.tran, where I am most active. I believe that knowledge is power so always feel free to leave me comments on any of my posts and share your thoughts. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy!

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